Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What makes something funny.

Comedy is something that goes opposite of the way the world sees it. Comedy is more of an art than a science. Because of this, comedy is subjective. What one person finds funny others might cringe at it.
Something is funny because it captures the moment, it contains elements of the truth that we have known for ever and are bringing it forward for the first time.
There are various types of comedy including ; slapstick, parody, spoof, satire, irony, sarcasm, farce, black comedy, and surrealism. Our project is using farce comedy. This is where comedy is achieved through exaggeration and extreme characters in preposterous circumstances that seem to spiral out of control and become ever more ludicrous. In our project a freshman is coming to ISU. He is overwhelmed with the amount of food that is available to him. He abandons working out and sleeps all day. He gains the freshman 15 and more.
The freshman 15 is something that does exist and is a problem for some people, but in the project the way the freshman gains his weight is in an extreme manner.

Friday, October 7, 2011

In this article, J.K. Rowling is accused of many authors for stealing their ideas. i dont believe this is right. Many authors are just jealous of her success, so they think that they can try and sue her to get money.One author thinks that J.K. Rowling took his idea and made it into her book Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire. I think that this is stupid and a waste of time. People are just jealous of her success.

There have no been any consequence

So far there have not been any lawsuits that have hurt J.k. Rowling. But many authors are trying to sue her, so one might eventually happen.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Outline of final project

Our project is going to be a picture movie. Therefore, we will have photos describing our story. First, we have a picture of a freshman coming to ISU for his first day of college. This is to establish the setting of our story. The second photo is of a student walking into Watterson Dining Center and being shocked by all the food available. This shows that the student has a choice to eat as much food as he wants. The next picture is of the student eating at a booth with many plates in front of him full of different foods. This shows that the student chose to eat as much food as he could, which we can all relate happening at least sometime here. After this, we show the student passed out on the table from a "food coma". This is exaggerating how much food he ate to show that he consumed way too many calories than needed, eventually turning into fat. The next picture is the student at a party. This shows the social life of the student, which in turn he gains even more "empty calories". He goes into another deep sleep until late the next morning. The next picture is taken at the gym. Everyone is working out and the student is on a bench eating chips. This is basically saying some people go to the gym but don't put in the effort to get a good sweat in. The final picture is taken of the student walking through a door to go to class, and he can't fit. The student is stuck and was late to class. This exaggeration is just showing that you will gain weight if you live this lifestyle. I think people might be offended or they might laugh at the extremities of the drawings. Either way I think it is funny and shows the truth about college lifestyles.

Jk rowling plagiarism

Case study
This is believable because this is from the New York Times magazine. This is a very big news magazine in New York. This seems reliable because many people read this magazine everyday, and it always seems credible. Also, this article has quotes from the important people involved in the case. These factors make this article/story very believable. The topic of the article is the accusation that J.K. Rowling stole ideas from other authors. These ideas involve wizard schools and magic. These accusations create many lawsuits against Rowling, always leaving her under pressure from the press and putting her in courtrooms multiple times.

What happened?

The case is the deceased author Adrian Jacobs claims that Rowling borrowed ideas from Jacobs book Willy the Wizard -No1 Livid land. It says that Rowling stole Jacob's ideas of having Wizards travel on trains and part taking in Wizardry contest.

J.K. Rowling Plagiarism: Who made the accusations?

Emily Meadow

Many authors that have written fictional, magical stories have accused Rowling of plagiarism. Adrian Jacobs, who wrote a book about wizards in 1987, believes that Rowling took many concepts from her story and put them into Harry Potter. Rowling denies the accusations, saying that she has never read the book that she is being accused of plagiarizing.

J,K. Rowling

This link is important because it shows that the case has been dropped on J K Rowling.
The judge stated that "The contrast between the total concept and feel of the works is so stark that any serious comparison of the two strains credulity."
This source is believable. It is not the only source i found with the same information.

J.K. Rowling Plagiarism
J.K Rowling, Author of the Harry Potter series, has been accused of plagiarism by many authors. Many authors who have also written fiction stories about wizards and magical creatures accuse Rowling that she stole the ideas from them. One author accuses Rowling of taking ideas from his 1987 book, and also points out that they have the same agent. I believe that this link is reliable because it comes from a news article that shows that research has been done on it.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So far from project two I have learned that is it very important to say your ideas. It’s important to do this so the group can use that idea or build off of it and make an even better idea. I am also learning how to be more creative. We never did these sort of projects at my high school, so I’m still pretty new to this. In high school it was always paper after paper, so it’s a nice mix up to do group projects and to learn as a team. From this project I have also learned that it is very helpful to get your classmates views on your project. For instance that one day we had groups analyze our project I thought it was beneficial to get feedback form my peers. Even though sometimes criticism can he a tad harsh it helps out in the long run. I think it is sometimes more helpful to get their opinions then a teacher because they are in the same boat as we are, trying to work on a project so chances are they have some fresh ideas and its better to get help from a group rather then just one person because maybe they can all help and everyone can discuss their ideas. The project is not yet finished so I hope that my skills in these areas will still be growing and help me out later on in my career. All this is important for my project so we can all work together and share all our ideas to make this the best possible project that we can. I think I have a good group and we can easily succeed this goal. It is also important to be creative because we are doing a comedy and we have to make people laugh, so we need funny and creative to make it a comedy. This project is helping me develop as a write by showing me a more creative style. I am used to getting assigned specific papers and now it is completely different. You do the project on whatever topic you want as long as it fits in the guidelines. When working with a group I think this is easier then getting assigned a topic. When we don’t get assigned a topic we can all get to show how creative we are and how we can work together more easily than if we got assigned a topic. As a writer I think that this project will help me grow and become a better write. My writing skills are not that great so I am really hoping to get something out of this project. But I am sure that I will because I am working with a great group and I think that we have a goof idea that we can really do well on. If we all work together and share our ideas I think that we can easily get


The first thing we will do for our project is map out ideas for a story. We have chosen to make a video trailer that ridicules the "Freshman fifteen" for college students. With our original topic already chosen, the next step we will do is make a little story board of pictures that will either be acted out or photographed. Before we actually take pictures, we need to research what makes videos funny. By this we will go on the internet and look up characteristics of funny videos, or we could also watch or critique funny movies that we know of that are funny. The next step would be creating funny photographic situations that go along with our topic. We could use some of the ideas we have used in our group activity we did on Tuesday, or we could create new ones. Our video will either be a picture video of either photos of cartoons or actual human beings. Once we create a story, we will add all the details and put the photos on a computer to make a video. I think we will use iMovie on a Macbook. This program is easy to create movie projects, and with some experience from the past making movies, I believe it will be a simple task. Once the video is made we will post what is necessary on the blog, talking about what we think the reactions would be and describing the steps we used to create our whole project.
We could have two possible effects on our audience. They will either laugh, or they may be offended. We are, in reality, making fun of people getting fat, and there might be someone in the audience that doesn't feel comfortable about their weight. Another reaction might be awareness of gaining weight. This might put in perspective that you have to workout to stay healthy. Most students eat and drink as much as they want, but do not workout. We want to "subliminally" show the audience that you can avoid the freshman fifteen. Once they laugh or get upset about the video, they might realize deep in their mind that they should get active.
This project will help me grow as a writer because I feel our blog can help people out if they read it. Our blog might be the reality check some kids need to start a healthy lifestyle. Even though we are making fun of a problem, in return it somehow makes people second guess themselves. If I saw this I would probably laugh, because that is the kind of person I am. I would also think to myself "wow, I don't want to end up like this". With that mindset people might try to improve themselves after seeing this. This project might also help with my writing skills. Blogging releases the ideas in your mind, which helps with creativity. Talking about things also help critical thinking and deeper meaning. There are many positive things about blogging, which is why it should help me as a writer.

Blog Post Assignment

Emily Meadow

Project number two is very different from project one. It allows the groups to be more creative and think open-mindedly. For my project, my group is focusing on comedy and the “freshman 15”. Comedy as a genre has a big affect on our generation, mainly because we make fun of what others take seriously. Our project will be a movie trailer for a comedy about the freshman fifteen. Our lay out, or storyboard, for our project starts off with a freshman coming to college. We want to be informative yet make fun of the fact on how many freshman approach college. Many of them are taken aback by the amounts of food there are, and decide to try everything in one sitting; We want to emphasize that by elaborating on it and making it funny. Adding to that, we want to show how freshman are not only taken aback by all the food, but by all the free time and independence they have. A big part of gaining the freshman fifteen is due to the consumption of alcohol in large quantities. Along with that there is sleeping a lot, and playing video games, and not exercising. We want to elaborate on all of these main factors that contribute to the freshman fifteen.

Although we want to make the audience laugh, because it is suppose to be a comedy, we also want to inform them. I would say our targeted audience is incoming college freshman and parents. Our comedy you can say is similar to the comedies that make fun of other movies, for example Vampires Sucks. We want to make it funny but also make freshman feel stupid in a way. The freshman fifteen is not something that all freshman gain, they gain it by not making smart decisions. Overall, we want our comedy to be funny of course, but informative as well.

These blog posts have helped me grow as a writer in several ways. The first project helped me by introducing me to BlogSpot. I have never had a blog before so it was a new experience for me. The first project also made me write paragraphs based off of research and links that I had found. Unlike the first project, project two is not about research, but about creativity. Instead of choosing a serious topic, we can choose a fun one and decide how we are going to display it. I definitely have seen a change in my writing from the last two projects, which is a good thing. I’m learning how I can vary my writing my using different writing style. ENG 101 in a way is similar to my high school creative writing class. It shows me different styles of writing and when I should use each style. I can’t wait to see how project two is going to turn out, and what doors project three, if there is a project three, is going to open for my writing. Overall I have learned a lot of different techniques from these projects.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Homework assignment

Michael Banks

What will be doing?
For the second project our group will be doing a movie clip. The movie clip will tell show the reality of what the "freshman fifteen" can do to new college students. We will have different clips with the story line. There is a freshman that's new to ISU. He goes to Watterson Dining Center and falls in love with the buffet , all you can eat style they had. He indulges on all types of non healthy foods such as, cake. ice cream, burgers, fries, and any other unhealthy food you can think of. He also goes out partying, in taking a large amount of beer, which are high in calories. He also sleeps most of his time away. On occasions he will go to the gym, but while he is there he does not work, he just eats and sit on the benches.We intend on telling the truth and not sugar coating any of the story. The sad reality of it is, this happens to many students and we plan on turning it from a negative thing to something positive.
What effect will it have on the audience?
We plan on this having a positive effect on the audience. We understand that some might find the situation of being overweight not humorous, but the plan of the project is not to glamorize being over weight. The irony of the situation is, we are all freshman and the "freshman 15" will in one way or another effect each of us. We made it a comedy to keep the situation light. Because this is such a trending topic in America (obesity) it is important we address some of the cause of it. All of our slides have the freshman doing everything that will not allow him to stay in good healthy shape. If our audience sees all the things he is doing and try to avoid some of the things he is doing I believe it will be beneficial to anyone who views this project. There is always the other side of the spectrum. Some of our audience will take this presentation as a joke. We all believe that this will not happen to us, but it is easy to be a victim of the freshman 15.
How does this help me grow as a writer?
This helps me grow as a writer in many ways, I get a chance to expand my vocabulary, I get to learn how to give my perspective on a certain situation. This project is not a persuasive project, but some of our tactics are a little persuasive, so that will also help me as a writer. It is important as a writer to express your point of view, and try to get others to also believe in what you are saying. This also helps me as a writer, because We are working in groups and as a group member, you have to learn to give you opinion, values, and ideas, while also being attentive to other members ideas. Like in all writing this project allows you to work on grammar skills. This project as a whole has helped me become a better writer. I learned to take my ideas from my head and put it on paper.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Movie Clip

For this project our genre is comedy. We will be putting together a funny movie clip using pictures and different sound effects. For this to be a successful project it is important that we make a clip that the audience can relate too. Since we all are freshman, the "freshman 15" is something that will directly affect us in one way or another. We decided that this would be a good topic to choose and flip it so it would be funny.

General Idea for video

For this blog, we are focusing on comedy. Visual comedy includes movies and clips that are amusing to the viewer. The ideas that people use to make the audience laugh is mainly issues that affect the people. The topic we are choosing to make a video about is the "freshman fifteen", or in this case, the freshman 40. The video we are planning on making is a video that uses an assortment of pictures that will ridicule someone getting fat and being lazy at college. I hope to get some funny ideas for this project. It sounds like a lot of fun to make.

What Makes Something Funny?
This website shows what makes a comedy funny and how people find different things funny. Everyone has their own sense of humor. Because of this a movie critic may or may not find a comedy movie funny. Everything depends on their sense of humor. For our movie, I will be the movie critic. I can be a critic with a good sense of humor, or one with a bad sense of humor. Depending on how it is will affect how my review is.