Thursday, October 6, 2011

Outline of final project

Our project is going to be a picture movie. Therefore, we will have photos describing our story. First, we have a picture of a freshman coming to ISU for his first day of college. This is to establish the setting of our story. The second photo is of a student walking into Watterson Dining Center and being shocked by all the food available. This shows that the student has a choice to eat as much food as he wants. The next picture is of the student eating at a booth with many plates in front of him full of different foods. This shows that the student chose to eat as much food as he could, which we can all relate happening at least sometime here. After this, we show the student passed out on the table from a "food coma". This is exaggerating how much food he ate to show that he consumed way too many calories than needed, eventually turning into fat. The next picture is the student at a party. This shows the social life of the student, which in turn he gains even more "empty calories". He goes into another deep sleep until late the next morning. The next picture is taken at the gym. Everyone is working out and the student is on a bench eating chips. This is basically saying some people go to the gym but don't put in the effort to get a good sweat in. The final picture is taken of the student walking through a door to go to class, and he can't fit. The student is stuck and was late to class. This exaggeration is just showing that you will gain weight if you live this lifestyle. I think people might be offended or they might laugh at the extremities of the drawings. Either way I think it is funny and shows the truth about college lifestyles.

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