Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So far from project two I have learned that is it very important to say your ideas. It’s important to do this so the group can use that idea or build off of it and make an even better idea. I am also learning how to be more creative. We never did these sort of projects at my high school, so I’m still pretty new to this. In high school it was always paper after paper, so it’s a nice mix up to do group projects and to learn as a team. From this project I have also learned that it is very helpful to get your classmates views on your project. For instance that one day we had groups analyze our project I thought it was beneficial to get feedback form my peers. Even though sometimes criticism can he a tad harsh it helps out in the long run. I think it is sometimes more helpful to get their opinions then a teacher because they are in the same boat as we are, trying to work on a project so chances are they have some fresh ideas and its better to get help from a group rather then just one person because maybe they can all help and everyone can discuss their ideas. The project is not yet finished so I hope that my skills in these areas will still be growing and help me out later on in my career. All this is important for my project so we can all work together and share all our ideas to make this the best possible project that we can. I think I have a good group and we can easily succeed this goal. It is also important to be creative because we are doing a comedy and we have to make people laugh, so we need funny and creative to make it a comedy. This project is helping me develop as a write by showing me a more creative style. I am used to getting assigned specific papers and now it is completely different. You do the project on whatever topic you want as long as it fits in the guidelines. When working with a group I think this is easier then getting assigned a topic. When we don’t get assigned a topic we can all get to show how creative we are and how we can work together more easily than if we got assigned a topic. As a writer I think that this project will help me grow and become a better write. My writing skills are not that great so I am really hoping to get something out of this project. But I am sure that I will because I am working with a great group and I think that we have a goof idea that we can really do well on. If we all work together and share our ideas I think that we can easily get

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